Pub. 10 2020 Issue 2

12 Preparing for Reopening and By Steve Ryker, CPP, VP — Compliance and Risk, Cook Security Group A T THE TIME OF THIS WRITING, SOME states are beginning to reopen slowly. Now is the time to develop and implement reopening plans and a long-term, at least 24 months, social distancing strategy for your financial institution. According to experts, COVID-19 is a risk until antibodies are present from a vaccine or recovery from the virus. An approved vaccine is still 12- 18 months away and the millions of doses needed just for the U.S. will extend the time frame even further. Once the reopen strategy is implemented, plans should include a rebound strategy in the event COVID-19 cases increase and mandated work from home orders are reinstated. For branch locations, software programs such as CAD or Bluebeam may be used to design an optimal 6 ’ social distancing design for employees and customers/members. Adhesive directional and queue line markers on the floor at 6 ’ intervals provide a clear path for customers/members to safely follow as they wait for an available teller, meeting location or to the exit. It is recommended you have a plan to secure the branch once the maximum number of employees and customers/members is reached and provide a clearly marked social distanced queue line outside the branch. Video system analytics can enhance the monitoring of social distancing. The follow- ing are some of the key features: • The analytics software provides a virtual 6 ’ “ halo ” around each person inside the branch. A person with a green 6 ’ “ halo ” indicates appropriate distancing and a red “ halo ” indicates 6 ’ distancing was not achieved. • This system can generate reporting for evaluation and reporting on the effectiveness of your social distancing program. Video analytics also provide heat mapping based on employee and customer/member activity inside the branch. Heat mapping allows cleaning services to focus more attention on high-use areas. Many financial institutions have de- creased branch traffic by increasing the usage of remote video lending, drive-up, ATM and ITM equipment. Even custom- ers that have avoided digital or remote services in the past have become more comfortable with those service during the COVID-19 crisis. Remote managed services with the ability to monitor, diag - nose, fix remotely, and patch have been crucial for safety and keeping financial institutions operations. Other new products designed to increase safety include: • UV lights installed in cabinets designed to be a part of the under-counter steel. This allows employees to disinfect drive-up tube carriers and other items. UV light is a proven disinfectant for viruses and bacteria. • UV lights installed inside ATMs, ITMs and cash recyclers that disinfect cash while the cash is being dispensed from the machines.