Pub. 3 2013 Issue 1
ARIZONA BANKER ~ January/February 2013 7 as important as managing any of the other risks we deal with in-house every day. The Arizona Bankers Associa- tion understands this very well. In 2012 our bankers met often with members of our congressional delegation, both here in Arizona and in Washington. Our bankers were also a pervasive presence at the Arizona Capitol last year, largely – and successfully – playing defense. Our efforts will continue well into the future. We will make at least three trips to Washington this year to con- nect with regulators and members of Congress. We will also visit our congressmen during session breaks here in Arizona. And we will continue to visit our state and local policy makers to educate them on economic and banking issues. I encourage all bankers to join us in this essential risk- management endeavor. Government relations is not a spectator sport. It requires all of our participation in a three-dimensional fashion. We need to work the phones and e-mails, as well as the hallways. We need to be involved in the campaigns of candidates that support the vital role our industry plays in the economy. Finally, we need to oppose those candidates that think it’s appropri- ate to use our industry as a political football game to further their own aspirations. Our first trip to Washington is in mid-February, fol- lowed by at least one trip in mid-April and one in the fall. If you are interested please get in touch with the Arizona Bankers Association so that we can get you the details. Advocacy here in Arizona is equally important and we welcome your involvement with our efforts at the state capitol as well. Recent experience suggests that these efforts are going to be required for a long time to come. The good news is that the hard work is rewarding, and in the long run it pays off in the form of a better economy and more op- portunities for our industry to grow and prosper. Z Q President’s Message — continued from page 4 ABA Government Relations Summit April 15–17 | Washington, D.C. Be Part of the Solution The 2013 ABA Government Relations Summit is your opportunity to educate lawmakers and regulators about the vital role banks play in the economy. Creating jobs. Growing businesses. Revitalizing communities. With a new Congress in session, it’s also time to meet with new leadership and advocate for policy change that supports the banking industry. Visit for details.
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