Pub. 3 2013 Issue 2

18 Downtown Phoenix Thrives With New Leadership and Development BY PHOENIX MAYOR GREG STANTON D OWNTOWN PHOENIX IS THE HEART AND SOUL OF OUR CITY. AND THE HEART BEAT OF OUR DOWNTOWN HAS NEVER BEEN STRONGER. BUSINESSES ͷ SMALL AND LARGE ARE OPENING, HOTELS, SPORTS AND ENTERTAIN ͳ ment are doing well and more people are calling downtown Phoenix their home. But we won’t stop now; we will keep this momentum going. That’s why I’m thrilled about the newest development – the new Downtown Phoenix, Inc. – an umbrella organization, bringing together Downtown Phoenix Partnership and Phoe- nix Community Alliance into a single focal point to bring even more concerts, events, and excitement into the center of the city. At my recent State of the City address, I announced that David Krietor will lead DPI and focus on putting decision- making power in the hands of committed locals, downtowners who understand how to balance livability with commerce. DPI will lead a downtown in the midst of transformation. Biomedicine is thriving with the opening of the Health Science Education Building, a joint venture between the University of Arizona, NAU and the city. Just across the street, the U of A broke ground on the $100 million University of Arizona Can- cer Center, which will serve as an engine for high-wage jobs and a driver for better, life-sustaining health care. Q Downtown Phoenix | continued on page 27 Please Contact Paul Hickman at to Register. Be Part of the Bankers and Directors Advocate for Be Ʃ er Solu Ɵ ons in Washington, D.C. | October 2 & 3, 2013. Arizona Bankers Associa Ɵ on Fall 2013 Federal Advocacy Mission In addi Ɵ on to visi Ɵ ng with Members of our congressional delega Ɵ on in their natural habitat, we will be mee Ɵ ng with senior policy- making and regulatory o ffi cials at CFPB, Treasury, FHFA (receiver for Fannie and Freddie), the Federal Reserve, and the FDIC.