Pub. 3 2013 Issue 2
©2012 College Savings Bank Member FDIC. All Rights Reserved. College Savings Bank is the program manager for the Arizona State 529 Program.The Bank also offers various deposit products under traditional IRA, Roth IRA and non-tax advantaged programs. Before investing in any of the plans offered by College Savings Bank, advisors should ensure that these products meet the suitability requirements of your client and that all financial, tax and legal requirements have been considered. Early withdrawal penalties apply, and non-qualified withdrawals are taxable. Read plan disclosure statements carefully before you invest or send any money. The Arizona Family College Savings Program is not insured by the State of Arizona. Neither the principal invested nor the investment return is guaranteed. See 529 college savings plans in a new light. Join the Arizona banks offering a tax-advantaged 529 college savings plan. As program manager of the AFCSP (Arizona Family College Savings Program), College Savings Bank has the products and experience to help strengthen and secure your clients’ portfolios. Benefits include: • Tax-advantaged CD options • FDIC insured up to $250,000 for accounts held in the same right and capacity • State deduction for Arizona taxpayers ($750 single; $1,500 married, filing jointly) Participating banks receive commission (from 0.15% to 2.4%) on clients’ contributions, as well as free supplies of all marketing and enrollment materials. Become part of Arizona’s state-sponsored 529 plan with College Savings Bank’s AFCSP. Contact Jason Lampa • 800.888.2723 • •
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