Pub. 3 2013 Issue 2

ARIZONA BANKER  Spring 2013 27 committeenotes The Arizona Bankers Association invites committee participa- tion in the areas of CRA, Compliance, Fraud & Security, Human Resources, Government Relations and Trust. Please contact Jan Ar- redondo at or 602/258-1200 for further information on committee activities and involvement. The AzBA Compliance Committee will meet on Thursday, April 25 at the University Club of Phoenix for “Breakfast & Q&A with Your Examiner.” Chair, Vicki Cordova of Arizona Bank & Trust, encour- ages all bank compliance officers to participate with representatives from DFI and FDIC present to take questions. The AzBA compliance committee meets quarterly with timely informational presentations and networking opportunities. All member institu- tion compliance professionals are encouraged to participate. The AzBA Fraud & Security Committee , chaired by James Huston of JPMorgan Chase, meets on the first Tuesday of each month for an information shar- ing round table. These sessions provide Fraud and Security officers from throughout the state the oppor- tunity to share vital industry information in addition to frequent presentations from law enforcement and representatives from leading technical companies. April & May meetings are scheduled for the Camel- back branch of Arizona Bank & Trust. AzBA Human Resources professionals, watch your email for your invitation to our 2013 networking lun- cheon. Plan to attend armed with your suggestions for how the Association can best assist with your institu- tions’ HR challenges. Be sure your fraud and security personnel are regis- tered for access to Fraud-Net . Contact Jan Arredondo at 602/258-1200 or for information. Fraud-Net is an invaluable tool in your institution’s battle to prevent fraud, identity theft and robberies. Fraud-Net is provided free of charge to all Arizona Bankers Association member institutions. Z bankers on themove Sandy Anderson, TrustBank Arizona, hired as director of community development Kathy Camacho, Johnson Bank, hired as assistant Vice President and branch manager Sean Crandall, First Fidelity Bank, hired as Senior Vice President and director of retail administration Adam Field, Mutual of Omaha Bank, hired as a mortgage loan officer Julian Fruhling, Alliance Bank of Arizona, hired as Senior Vice President, Scottsdale Greg Furseth, TrustBank Arizona, hired as Chief Fiduciary Officer Carol Grumley, Meridian Bank, named Senior Vice President and consumer lending manager Jennifer Herrema, BMO Harris, promoted to Vice President, community affairs Misty Howell, Wells Fargo Bank, promoted to East Valley Central District manager Christopher Rude, BMO Harris, promoted to Vice President, commercial relationship manager Brian Schwallie, USBank, promoted to Arizona Market President Stephen Todd, First Scottsdale Bank, hired as Chief Credit Officer Diane Warner, BMO Harris, promoted to Vice President of business banking Nancy Zezza, JPMorgan Chase, hired as Senior Vice President and senior banker Even more great news for downtown: City Council ap- proved the city’s investment in the new downtown ASU Law School. And we approved two new high rises – the Barron Col- lier project east of CityScape and the Golub project at Second Ave. and Monroe, infusing more full time residents and energy into our city. CityScape also continues to thrive and with the construc- tion of 240 apartments atop the Hotel Palomar, believe it or not CityScape will be completed. And to top it all off, Metro Light Rail continues to set ridership records getting more people out of their cars and into downtown for lunchtime meetings, exciting Suns, Mercury, Rattlers and Dbacks games and a bigger and better First Friday scene. If you haven’t been downtown in a while, I invite you to check out the great energy going on in the heart of our city. Z Q Downtown Phoenix — continued from page 18