Pub. 3 2013 Issue 2
6 111 West Monroe, Suite 440 Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Phone: (602) 258-1200 • Fax: (602) 258-8980 AzBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-2013 Lynne Herndon, Chairman City President BBVA Compass Bank Mike Thorell, Chairman-Elect President Pinnacle Bank Benito Almanza, Vice-Chair Arizona President Bank of America James Lundy, Immediate Past Chairman CEO Alliance Bank of Arizona Toby Day Arizona President Arizona Business Bank Gail Grace President & CEO Sunrise Bank of Arizona Stephen Johnson President, Arizona M&I Bank Chuck Luhtala President Canyon Community Bank Brian Riley President & CEO Mohave State Bank Joseph Stewart Chairman & CEO, Arizona JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Gerrit Van Huisstede Regional President Wells Fargo Bank Candace Wiest President & CEO West Valley Na Ɵ onal Bank AzBA STAFF Paul Hickman President & CEO Jan Arredondo Director, Administra Ɵ on Theresa Kleinlein Director, Marke Ɵ ng and Member Services Why Go To Washington D.C.? T HIS INDUSTRY IS LARGELY REGULATED OUT OF WASHINGTON D.C.; FROM DODD FRANK TO BASEL III TO CREDIT UNION BUSINESS LENDING TO MORTGAGE LEND ͳ ING. STATE BANKERS ASSOCIATIONS MAKE IT A PRACTICE OF TAKING BANKERS AND BANK DIRECTORS TO D.C. ON A REGULAR BASIS. THE TRIPS ARE FOCUSED ON members of the AZ congressional delegation and senior government officials at the agencies that regulate our industry. Mike Thorell, President and CEO of Pinnacle Bank, recently participated in the AzBA’s February trip to D.C. to meet with AZ’s freshman Members of Congress. Bankers met with House Financial Services Committee member, Kyrsten Sinema, Rep. Ron Barber, Rep. Matt Salmon, and Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick. Mike and his colleagues also had an opportunity to visit with Representatives Schweikert and Gosar on the outgoing flight. We spoke to Mike about his perspective on “why go to Washington?” Mike, what does a bank president get out of these meetings with members of Congress? It’s two fold. One is the exposure to them and their recognition and interest in our industry and the support we need. Specifically it gives us the oppor- tunity to address current issues they might not be as fluent in — issues that require their attention. What was the most important policy discussed on the last visit? Basel III and its impact on the ability of community banks to offer affordable mortgage lending. Are these trips “all business?” The primary function is all business but at the end of the day we have the opportunity to get together with peers which is equally as enjoyable and important as meeting with the delegation. The community bank- ing environment is pretty collegial so we get the opportunity to learn about the problems our peers face and discuss how community banking “should be” and how it actually “is.” How many of these trips have you gone on and who have you met with other than members of Congress? I’ve been on four or five. I’ve had the honor of meet- ing with leadership at the Federal Reserve, Treasury department, FDIC, and OCC. Do you think these trips are productive in moving policy? Yes! Our delegation was able to provoke a congressional hearing on Basel III during the lame duck session of Congress in November. I believe this was a direct result of our meetings with David Schweikert and Paul Gosar in September of that year. Z
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