Pub. 3 2013 Issue 2

8 T HE AZBA HOSTED ITS ANNUAL BANKER DAY ON FEBRUARY 26 IN AN EFFORT TO CONNECT BANKERS WITH GOVERN ͳ MENT OFFICIALS RESPONSIBLE FOR LEGISLATING AND REGULATING THE BANKING INDUSTRY. THIS ALL DAY EVENT is a very valuable exercise that conveys to policy makers many of the regulatory and compliance burdens the industry faces as it seeks to provide the capital to grow our state’s economy. “It is one of the most important events the Association embarks on at the state level all year,” said AzBA Chairman Lynne Herndone, AzBA. The program began with a dynamic panel of senior regu- lators from state and federal banking regulatory agencies organized by Lauren Kingry, Superintendent of Arizona’s De- partment of Financial Institutions. In addition to Mr. Kingry, the briefing panel included the Assistant Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, Steven D. Jacobs; Deputy Regional Direc- tor of the FDIC, Kathy Moe; Regional Director of the CFPB, Edwin Chow, and Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Principal, Richard Shershenovich. The fact that the Arizona Bankers Association was able to get “no less than five senior regulators from our industry’s principal regulatory agencies to meet with Arizona bankers, speaks volumes about the banking potential in this state,” said Kingry. Following the agency briefing, AzBA President Paul Hickman led the group through private meetings with the Governor’s senior policy staff and legislative leadership. The meetings included the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, Andy Tobin; Senate President Andy Biggs; Chairman of the House Financial Institutions Committee, Rep. Kate Brophy McGee; and House Commerce Commit- tee Chairman, Tom Forese, among others. Speaker Tobin said he had been looking forward to this meeting because “being able to hear directly from our bankers about state policies that facilitate providing affordable access to capital to consumers and small businesses is invaluable as we work to craft policy that helps us recover from the recession and grows our state’s economy.” The day culminated with a cocktail hour and dinner at El Chorro in Paradise Valley where bankers and state legislators were addressed by American Bankers Associa- tion Senior Council, Denyette DePierro. Ms. DePierro expounded on the progress of the federal banking regula- tory agencies as they work to implement the large backlog of rules directed by the 2010 Dodd Frank Act. Rep. Brophy McGee said, “The candid and colloquial nature of this event, makes the AzBA annual Banker Day dinner one of the most interesting and valuable industry events that legis- lators can engage in all year.” We sincerely appreciate everyone who contributed to the success of Banker Day at the Capitol 2013. Z AzBA Member Presidents Participated in 2013 Banker Day at the Capitol