Pub. 3 2013 Issue 4
5 FALL 2013 trip to Washington D.C. with a team of bankers to represent the industry from Arizona. We do these trips three or four times a year in an effort to educate our congressional delega- tion on the pressures the banking industry faces in their home state; not coincidentally these pressures are largely derived from Washington, D.C. We encourage bankers and bank directors to attend these trips. The next one is scheduled for spring 2014. Contact Theresa Kleinlein at Tkleinlein@ for more information. It might seem hard to believe, but we are already looking forward to planning our 111th annual meeting and convention in Sedona for summer 2014. Stay tuned for more information on that, but in the meantime, mark your calendar for June 8 through 10, 2014. In addition to top notch government relations representa- tion and superior professional education products, we are especially proud of the best-in-class events we continually offer our member banks. Thank you very much for your par- ticipation and engagement. See you in 2014. w Jan Anderson, CFSA 533 W. Guadalupe Rd., #2061 • Mesa, AZ 85210 • 480.633.9179 7151 Wright Terrace • Niles, IL 60714 • 847.983.8232 Whether your needs include financial/operational, regulatory compliance, or trust audits, or a compliance training partner, we are your solution! WeAre YourSolution! W
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