Pub. 4 2014 Issue 2

5 SPRING 2014 SPRING 2014 Also later in June we are once again hosting regulators from the FDIC for a compliance workshop. This has proven to be so popular in the past because of the importance of the information to your compliance personnel. Please contact AzBA for more details and to register. We are also planning another full day fraud and security seminar in the fall where your fraud and security personnel can learn about current threats and updated best practices for detecting and reporting. Our association shares one of the best relationships with state, local and federal law enforce- ment combating bank robbery and fraud of any bankers association in the country, which explains why this is one of the most widely attended fraud and security conferences by bankers. Again, please contact the AzBA or check our web site to register early in order to secure a seat. We will also host our annual CEOs and Directors College here in the fall. This is one of the most important meetings of the year to learn about industry trends, market reports, and receive professional development credit for CEO’s and directors. Please contact the AzBA for details and registration information. Have a wonderful spring and summer! w 111 West Monroe, Suite 440 Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Phone: (602) 258-1200 • Fax: (602) 258-8980 AzBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 Lynne Herndon, Chairman City President BBVA Compass Bank Mike Thorell, Chairman-Elect President Pinnacle Bank Benito Almanza, Vice-Chair Arizona President Bank of America Stephen Johnson, Treasurer President & CEO, Arizona BMO Harris Bank James Lundy, Immediate Past Chairman Chairman CEO Alliance Bank of Arizona Jack Barry Chairman & CEO, Arizona Region Enterprise Bank & Trust Toby Day Arizona President Arizona Business Bank Chuck Luhtala President Canyon Community Bank Dave Ralston CEO Bank of Arizona Brian Riley President & CEO Mohave State Bank Gerrit Van Huisstede Regional President Wells Fargo Bank Candace Wiest President & CEO West Valley National Bank AzBA STAFF Paul Hickman President & CEO Jan Arredondo Director, Administration Theresa Kleinlein Director, Marketing and Member Services Bill Ridenour General Counsel Jan Anderson, CFSA 533 W. Guadalupe Rd., #2061 • Mesa, AZ 85210 • 480.633.9179 7151 Wright Terrace • Niles, IL 60714 • 847.983.8232 Whether your needs include financial/operational, regulatory compliance, or trust audits, or a compliance training partner, we are your solution! WeAre YourSolution!