Pub. 4 2014 Issue 4

16 Under the Copper Dome 2014 Elections: Few Surprises…So Far A F TER A FEW VERY CONTENTIOUS LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS THERE HAS BEEN A LOT OF TALK, FROM BOTH SIDES, ABOUT CHANGING THE FACE OF THE LEGISLATURE. HOW- EVER, AS THE DUST SETTLED FOLLOWING ARIZONA’S PRIMARY ELECTION LITTLE HAD CHANGED. Challenges to the Republican legisla- tors that opposed Governor Brewer’s Medicaid Restoration plan were heavily targeted with outside spending, but none were defeated. Republican incum- bents who stood with Governor Brewer (referred to as the “Medicaid Coalition” or “Legis-traitors” depending on one’s perspective) were also targeted, but those that chose to return will all do so. Democratic politics were just as ugly, but the only “surprise” might be that a record amount of money raised in a leg- islative district wasn’t enough to defeat the incumbent. Maybe it was just wishful thinking or a bout of forgetfulness, but these results shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone. Incumbents have the advan- tage. Primaries bring out the party faithful. Voters who haven’t voted in the past won’t vote this time around either. However, the most important fact is that much of this was decided when Arizona’s Independent Redistricting Committee drew the legislative bound- aries in 2010. There are just a handful of truly competitive districts. In most cases, legislative contests are decided in the Primary. Maybe the General Elec- tion will yield a few more surprises. There was a modicum of more interesting outcomes among statewide candidates, but still nothing that would make your jaw drop. For Democrat vot- ers there was barely an opportunity for an upset among statewide candidates. There was only one Democratic guber- natorial candidate, one for Secretary of State, and one for Attorney General, The only statewide Democratic Pri- mary contest was for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Mine Inspector Joe Hart must be doing a good job because Democrats didn’t even field a candidate. There were some Republican n Copper Dome — continued on page 18 By JAY KAPROSY, Veridus