Pub. 4 2014 Issue 4
18 AzBA held a luncheon with Senator John McCain and 25 bank presidents to discuss critical banking issues on both a federal and state level. We appreciate Senator McCain taking the time to meet with us for a second time this year. incumbents that won’t be moving on to the General. Superin- tendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal and Attorney General Tom Horne both found themselves at the center of some controversy that proved too great to overcome. AG Horne spent much of the last year defending himself against charges of campaign violations and the improper use of public resources in support of his campaign. Superintendent Huppenthal found himself trying to repair his reputation after his anonymous blog posts came to light. I think most people saw these losses coming. Will we see more surprises in the General Election? It is hard to tell whether there will be many surprises, but we can expect some very competitive races among statewide candidates and in a few legislative districts. Keep a close eye on the race for Governor between Democrat Fred Duval and Republican Doug Ducey and the Attorney General race between Republican Mark Brnovich and Democrat Felicia Rotellini (Yes, former Arizona DFI Director Rotellini). Legis- lative races to watch will be the Senate race in Pinal County district 8, Chandler district 18, and the battle among former legislators in the Northern Arizona district 6. If you want to dig deeper into Arizona politics, The Ari- zona Bankers Association and our lobbying team is your go to source. Please don’t hesitate to ask. w n Copper Dome — continued from page 16 Featured in photo: Paul Hickman, AzBA CEO; Mike Thorell, Pinnacle Bank President and AzBA Board Chairman; Theresa Kleinlein, AzBA; Senator John McCain. Jan Anderson, CFSA 533 W. Guadalupe Rd., #2061 • Mesa, AZ 85210 • 480.633.9179 7151 Wright Terrace • Niles, IL 60714 • 847.983.8232 Whether your needs include financial/operational, regulatory compliance, or trust audits, or a compliance training partner, we are your solution! WeAre YourSolution!
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