Pub. 5 2015 Issue 1
AzBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014-2015 Mike Thorell, Chairman President Pinnacle Bank Benito Almanza, Chairman-Elect Arizona President Bank of America Toby Day, Vice-Chair Arizona President Arizona Business Bank Dave Ralston, Treasurer CEO Bank of Arizona Lynne Herndon, Immediate Past Chairman City President BBVA Compass Bank Jack Barry Chairman & CEO, Arizona Region Enterprise Bank & Trust Chuck Luhtala President Canyon Community Bank James Lundy Chairman CEO Alliance Bank of Arizona Annette Musa Arizona Market President Comerica Brian Riley President & CEO Mohave State Bank Pat Rourke Arizona Market President Bankers Trust Brian Ruisinger President & CEO Bank 1440 Brian Schwallie Arizona Market President US Bank Gerrit Van Huisstede Regional President Wells Fargo Bank Candace Wiest President & CEO West Valley National Bank AzBA STAFF Paul Hickman President & CEO Bill Ridenour General Counsel Steven Killian Director of Government Relations Theresa Kleinlein Director of Marketing Jan Arredondo Administration 111 West Monroe, Suite 440 Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Phone: (602) 258-1200 • Fax: (602) 258-8980 Young & Associates, Inc. C o n s u l t a n t s t o t h e F i n a n c i a l I n d u s t r y 53 YEARS CELEBRATING 1978 - 2013 John Fahrendorf 602.321.9463 Kyle Curtis 602.903.2975 Implementing Successful Plans for 35 Years Phoenix, AZ • Kent, OH At Young & Associates, Inc., we focus on proven methodologies for enhancing long-term pro tability, e ective capital utilization, and optimizing shareholder value within the accepted appetite for risk. Our goal is to build the planning process that best meets the needs of your bank and helps you create a vision for the bank’s short and long-term future. • Strategic Planning • Capital Planning • Profit Planning • Budgeting • Liquidity Planning • Succession Planning • Human Capital 5 WINTER 2015
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