Pub. 5 2015 Issue 1

First, NB|AZ worked with full- service, Phoenix-based agency LaneTerralever to produce a 30-second commercial, which aired for the first time during the broadcast of Super Bowl XLIX. The commercial featured three Arizona businesses and two nonprofit organizations that NB|AZ feels have exemplified what it means to elevate Arizona. The businesses featured in the commercial include K2 Adventures Foundation, Phoenix Group Metals, A Tumbling-T Ranches, Ballet Arizona and Page Springs Cellars. According to NB|AZ, these busi- nesses were chosen because they bank with NB|AZ, provide great service to their patrons and positively impact their communities on a daily basis. The second piece of NB|AZ’s Super Bowl XLIX activation was The Grand Canyon Experience. The Grand Canyon Experience presented by NB|AZ was the largest attraction within the 12-block perimeter of Verizon Super Bowl Cen- tral located in the heart of downtown Phoenix. It was a massive 30 foot tall by 100 foot wide rock climbing wall featuring 20 climbing stations and a 20 foot waterfall behind the NB|AZ logo. Arizonan’s and visitors alike ascended the super-sized wall which proved to be a unique, eye catching attraction. It cost $5 per person to climb the wall and all proceeds went to the Arizona Super Bowl Host Committee Legacy Grant Foundation and NB|AZ Charities. The Elevate AZ campaign wont stop there, however. Through Elevate AZ magazine, social initiatives and valuable partnerships, NB|AZ will continue to share the stories of Arizona businesses with the hopes of bolstering the growth of the Arizona economy and showcas- ing “what’s right with Arizona.” Stay tuned on what NB|AZ will do next to #ElevateAZ. w N A TIONAL BANK OF ARIZONA (NB|AZ) HAS SET OUT TO LEAD THE WAY IN A CONVERSATION ABOUT HOW LOCAL BUSINESS- ES, entrepreneurs and nonprofits are positively impacting Arizona and its communities . NB|AZ wants to create awareness around its state by telling the stories of its clients and others who are doing business with Arizona in mind. In 2014, NB|AZ launched the El- evate AZ campaign with the creation of the “Elevate AZ” magazine, dedicated to telling the stories of the people and businesses around the state who are elevating Arizona to a new level. "Too often Arizona is defined by those who do not live here and have no understanding of the strength of the people, communities and causes that drive this state," Keith Maio, NB|AZ President and CEO, said. NB|AZ has launched three major pieces of the Elevate AZ campaign with the goal of changing the national perception of Arizona and highlighting the “trailblazers” who are elevating the conversation about Arizona business. Elevate AZ magazine was the first piece of the puzzle, launched back in September 2014 to coincide with the bank’s Arizona Leadership Forum hosted at the Phoenix Convention Cen- ter. Elevate AZ magazine is a quarterly digital communication channel distrib- uted to NB|AZ clients, shareholders and general subscribers. It is also hosted at "When we were exploring ways to deepen the connections with our clients, our goal was to produce a piece that would foster a sense of community and celebrate the positive aspects of living and doing business in Arizona," said Mark Vance, vice president of marketing at NB|AZ and Elevate AZ's editor-in-chief. "Elevate AZ tells stories of passionate people throughout the state who make it a great place to live, work and dream." NB|AZ won a Silver Midas Award for its inaugural issue of Elevate AZ magazine. The Midas Awards are the only competition to recognize excel- lence and financial advertising on a global scale. On February 1, 2015 Super Bowl XLIX took place at University of Phoe- nix Stadium in Glendale, Ariz. NB|AZ used this opportunity to showcase the next two pieces of the campaign and activate Elevate AZ on a national stage. To learn more about some of the unique ways Ari- zonans are elevating Arizona, visit What’s Right with Arizona? NB|AZ – Elevate AZ 6