Pub. 5 2015 Issue 3

9:00am-9:45am Special Agent Geoff Young DyNoMite Bandit Case Study: Beginning in 2012, the Phoenix metro area experienced a series of four bank robberies with a complex modus operandi involving holes cut in the roofs of banks, hoax explosive devices, extortionate demand phone calls, and a shot fired through a bank window during the last attempt by the suspect. The suspect, who was former military special forces and former law enforcement, was ultimately identified and arrested by the FBI. 9:45am-10:30am Special Agent Tyler Woods Case presentation: Series of ATM burglaries across California and Arizona and how banks were exposed to ATM thefts and how the suspects were caught. 10:30am-11:15am Detective Sam Palmer Social Media and the Risks It Creates in Business and Banking 11:15am-12:00am Tim Garcia, Intel, ASIS approved presenter Workplace Violence Policy: Review ASIS standards and outline the importance of partnering with local law enforcement to prevent workplace violence. 12:00pm- 1:00pm Luncheon and Awards 1:00pm-1:45pm Special Agent Jeremy Capello, FBI Phoenix White Collar Crime Squad High Yield Investment Fraud 1:45pm-2:30pm Craig J. O’Loughlin, Partner at Quarles & Brady LLP. Avoiding Internal Fraud: Benjamin Franklin’s claim that, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is truly applicable to the world of recruiting, interviewing, and hiring. In many cases, skilled recruiters and hiring managers can identify problem applicants well before they enter the workforce and cause problems. In this presentation, we’ll cover the do’s and don’ts of background checking, social media investigating, interviewing and hiring, with plenty of tips for rooting out the bad applicants and emerging with the best. 2:30pm-3:15pm FBI Special Agent, TBD Cyber Financial Crimes/Business Email Compromise: The Business E-mail Compromise is currently one of the most prevalent scams targeting businesses of all sizes worldwide. The scam is carried out by compromising legitimate business e-mail accounts through social engineering or computer intrusion techniques to conduct unauthorized transfers of funds. This presentation will provide an overview of this threat and its impact, as well as some of the current trends associated with it. 3:15pm-4:00pm Vincent Costagliola, Vice President, Law Enforcement Technology, SRT Wireless Wireless Vulnerabilities : Communicating on mobile devices via open Wi-Fi connection has resulted in criminalization tools of Wi-Fi and drastically increased identity theft. The convenience and access of Wi-Fi breeds exploitation and as wireless access increases, so do the number of victims. In addition, the convenience of new banking tools, such as wireless deposits, are a breeding ground for creative theft scams that are just recently being investigated. Financial institutions Fraud and security seminar 15 SUMMER 2015