Pub. 6 2016 Issue 1

Banker Day Dinner Sponsors Dwight Alexander and Kevin Blackburn of Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco; Honored Speaker, Congressman David Schweikert “T H IS WAS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL BANKER DAY WE HAVE HAD SINCE WE STARTED THIS PROGRAM 5 YEARS AGO,” COMMENTED PAUL HICKMAN, A z BA CEO. “WE HAD OVER 40 bankers join us for the day portion at the Capital. Lobbying as a unified voice is the backbone of The AzBA and is impera- tive to the success of our industry.” The day started with a meeting that included Arizona Senator David Farnsworth, Chair of the Senate Committee on Financial Institutions. The group then met with Deputy Arizona Treasure, Mark Swenson, for a tour. Then it was time for the regulatory panel which included representation from the FDIC, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, OCC, and CFPB. After an in-depth session of “Q & A” the bankers departed for a meeting with Attorney General, Mark Brnov- ich. The afternoon was comprised of key meeting and intense lobbying against a bill that would create a state charted bank. Led by AzBA Government Relations Director, Steven Killian, the group attended and participated in a Senate Banking Committee Hearing. He then facilitated meetings with Senate Majority Leader, Steven Yarbrough; House Banking Commit- tee Chair and Vice-Chair, Representative Kate Brophy McGee and Representative Jeff Weninger; and Senate President Andy Biggs. The day concluded with an intimate and entertaining cock- tail party and dinner at Lon’s at The Hermose Inn. “We were thrilled to have a full room of legislators and public officials joining our bankers for this annual event,” remarked Theresa Kleinlein, AzBA Communication and Marketing Director. The honored speakers were John Ryan, CEO of The Confer- ence of State Bank Supervisors. To conclude the evening U.S. Congressman David Schweikert delivered a committee report from the Banking Committee. Paul Hickman summarized the dinner with a smile, “The speakers were informative and dynamic. Senator Schweikert is always as informative as he is witty. Another successful Banker Day for The AzBA.” w AzBA Banker Day at the Capital 2016 12