Pub. 7 2017 Issue 2

14 Joe Clees, Principal at Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Steward, P.C. From The Foothills Bank (we are just missing Mary Lynn Lenz!): Mallory Barrett, Debra Carbone, Karla Killingsworth, DanelleThomsen, and Tom Dolan Mikey Maynard, Keyser John Kaites, GSIS; Mark Williams, Former Director of the United States Secret Service; John Rawicz, Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie Mary Collum, President of Vantage Strategic Consulting, Mary Garner & Don Garner, CEO of Alliance Bank of Arizona From Bank of Arizona: Dave Ridgeway, Jacki Grainger, Christine Nowaczyk, Dave Ralston, Stacy Sanner Ernie Penasci, Stinson Leonard Street; Brian Evans, Guaranty Solutions; Charles Faut, Red Hawk Fire & Security; Travis Smith, Moss Adams Terry Frydenlund, President & CEO of 1st Bank Yuma; James Ballentine, American Bankers Association