Pub. 7 2017 Issue 3

7 ISSUE 3. 2017 The Special Assets Attorneys, PLLC 3104 East Camelback Road #816 Phoenix, Arizona 85016 l (602) 703-6849 l The Advisors’ Trust Company ® Zia Trust, Inc. • No in-house asset management - we use your clients’ investment advisor • 13 Trust Officers, including J.D.s, CFP ® , and CTFA ® practitioners • Complex trusts over $100,000,000 - to trusts under $1,000,000, and everything in between • Old fashioned “face-to-face” service. We’re accessible! • Special needs trusts, closely held business trusts, specialty assets, court settlements, and conservatorships Offering Caring and Competent Trust Administration in Arizona 602.633.7999 11811 N Tatum Blvd, Suite 1062, Phoenix, AZ 85028 Kathy Moriarity, CFTA®, CFP®, LF, NCG Vice President & Senior Trust Officer Zia Trust can serve as trustee, personal representative, or agent for your clients