Pub. 9 2019 Issue 1

15 ISSUE 1. 2019 Alisa Lacey » 602.212.8628 Bob Monroe » 816.691.3351 Ernie Panasci » 303.376.8402 Deborah Bayles » 303.376.8401 LEGAL PARTNERS YOU CAN TRUST. Our advantage is simple —we understand the business. Stinson Leonard Street’s banking attorneys have broad experience in matters related to financial services, including commercial lending, mergers and acquisitions, regulations and compliance, litigation, bankruptcies and payment systems. Bank on our reputation and knowledge. Our Phoenix Office: 1850 North Central Ave., Suite 2100, Phoenix, AZ 85004 STINSON LEONARD STREET LLP \\ STINSON.COM \\ LAW OFFICES IN 13 U.S. LOCATIONS The choice of a lawyer is important and should not be based solely on advertisements. post-Millennials, or iGens, are those born between 1996 and 2012.) A majority of respondents (54 percent) believe that all-mobile banks will eventually hold more than a quarter of the banking business for Millennial and post-Millennial customers. As always, if you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact Chuck McBrayer at . w