Pub. 9 2019 Issue 3

22 O N SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 U.S. BANK ANNOUNCED THAT IT HAS RECEIVED THE HIGHEST RATING, “OUTSTANDING,” FOR ITS RECENT COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT (CRA) EXAMINATION FROM THE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY (OCC). THE EXAMINATION PERIOD WAS JANUARY 1, 2012 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2015. THE COMPANY ALSO RECEIVED AN “OUTSTANDING” RATING ON EACH OF THE THREE INDIVIDUAL CRA TESTS FOR LENDING, INVESTMENT AND SERVICE. U.S. Bank Receives "Outstanding" Community Reinvestment Act Rating “Expectations for how we operate as a cor - porate citizen have never been higher, and we understand our responsibility to revital- ize neighborhoods, provide financial edu - cation, create employment opportunities, support small business development and affordable housing, and so much more,” said Andy Cecere, chairman, president and chief executive officer of U.S. Bank. “I am extremely proud of all that our teams have been able to accomplish and the extra steps they’ve taken to help U.S. Bank achieve these ‘Outstanding’ ratings. Their character, commitment to service, com- passion and unwavering resolve to be the most trusted choice in banking continue to show why they are our most important and valuable asset.” Overall Performance Highlights and Activities Some of the overall achievements during the exam period which lead to the “Out - standing” rating include: • U.S. Bank originated 1,536 communi - ty development loans totaling nearly $7.4 billion to support CRA purposes, such as affordable housing, community services for low- and moderate-income individuals, revitalization/stabilization of low- and moderate-income areas, or promote economic development by financing small businesses or farms. • U.S. Bank generated more than 204,000 loans totaling $38.4 billion through more than 65 affordable mort - gage products involving both national and local programs. • U.S. Bank participated in a number of national, statewide and local mortgage down payment and special assistance programs, which facilitated nearly $40 million in assistance for borrowers. • U.S. Bank remains one of the nation’s top Small Business Administration (SBA) lenders and originated 11,533