Pub. 9 2019 Issue 4

17 ISSUE 4. 2019 Emerging Leaders According to a Crowe Horwath, LLP 2017 survey, banking turnover is at a ten - year high, non officer turnover is 18.9 % , officer turnover is 7.3 % , and both are on the rise. As a result, banks are investing in the three elements of leadership development: Constant Learning, Investing in Others and Being Humble. ( ABA Journal, Aug. 2017 ) . 2019AzBAEmergingLeader Graduate Roster Mallory Barrett Jeffrey Byers John Gibson Matt Gilbreath Karla Killingsworth Matt Leivian Heidi Marshall Jeannie Nguyen Brett Plains Timothy Polson Mike Sarti Kristen Shamo Humphrey Shin Jeffrey Sundheimer Gregory Thorell Nancy Zezza Matthew Mapes Thomas Murgolo Bo Hughes Todd Gerber Emerging Leaders are the lifeline to future success for individual banks. Each year banks compete to hire and retain the best talent in the industry. The appeal to enter or stay for the incoming generation is declining. AzBA, in partnership with Magna Leadership Solutions & Keyser, created and delivered a new approach for leadership development. Guided & Applied Integrated Learning ® ( GAIL ) - Continuous Learning. Arizona Bankers Association It ' s not too late to sign up! Video on the Leading Forward Program: https: / / / AZBA _ Emerging _ Leaders Video testimonials from Leading Forward Graduates: https: / / / Testimonials in partnership with Why Today And However Therefore What is Different Why Why Why 92 % 88 % 100 % 96 %