Pub. 9 2019 Issue 4
Call me at 480.259.8280 Based in Phoenix, Ariz., serving Arizona Tracy Peterson As your partner, we share your values. You’ll find the community banking service, integrity and trust you’re used to. Why choose Bell as your bank’s lending partner? Member FDIC 24141 Together, let ’s make it happen. Commercial & ag participation loans Bank stock & ownership loans Bank building financing Business & personal loans for bankers We do not reparticipate any loans. Mary Voss 515.577.0070 Based in Des Moines, Iowa, serving Iowa and Illinois Callie Schlieman 701.433.7430 Based in Fargo, N.D., specializing in bank stock and Regulation O lending Todd Holzwarth 605.321.9197 Based in Sioux Falls, S.D., serving South Dakota and Northeast Iowa Mike Pate 402.301.3707 Based in Omaha, Neb., serving Nebraska Denise Bunbury 608.234.1438 Based in Madison, Wis., serving Wisconsin and Illinois Perry Rassler 763.242.7518 Based in Minneapolis, Minn. serving Minnesota and Western Wisconsin Jeff Restad 320.759.8401 Based in Alexandria, Minn., serving Minnesota Tom Ishaug 701.866.4676 Based in Fargo, N.D., serving North Dakota and Minnesota Craig McCandless 406.850.3790 Based in Billings, Mont., serving Montana, Wyoming and Idaho
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